Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Davao City and Samal ~ Intro

Even as a kid, I have always been fascinated by Philippine cultural festivals, a tradition celebrated annually with pomp and gaiety in most major towns and cities.

Pamulinawen, Aliwan 2009

All the energy and colorful pageantry, along with the challenge of capturing even just a few glorious moments during these grand affairs, never cease to excite me.


So when I read that preparations for the Kadayawan sa Dabaw 2009 were underway, I started drafting my own travel plans.

Dinagyang, Aliwan 2009

First I sent an email to my flick friend Caroline who lives in Davao City, and she promptly responded that several of our flickr friends have already been discussing the idea.

Buklod, Aliwan 2009

I’m used to traveling alone, sometimes with my wife, but doing Davao with a group (twelve of us from Manila and elsewhere, plus five from Davao) sounded like fun, for a change.

Aliwan 2009

So off I proceeded to finalize my ‘to do’ list in Davao, while our sweet friend Caroline arranged for our accommodations, plus a bonus adventure to the pristine Island Garden City of Samal after the festival.

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